It's a game of making friends.

But I was disgusted by a game friend.(The name is 亿子) Because,Several friends around me are playing this game.I clicked on this friend's game curiously.There is an option to watch the game.I just clicked.No picture was seen.As a result, the other party sent one "?" I immediately understood what the other party must have misunderstood.Just explained two sentences.She began to mock.She thought I was interested in her.But.In the list of my friends.Several people are playing this game.So my curiosity came up.Click on her game.I want to see what it looks like.Then she laughed at me.Deleted me immediately.I don't want to add her account to explain anything.Because she is a narcissistic woman.Super narcissismSuper narcissismSuper narcissism.

This is a good game.
This is a good game.
Someone around me is playing.He once introduced me to this game.But I didn't listen.
I didn't find this game until today.

The following is meaningless text:
ps:自恋女删我好友还嘲讽,挺有意思的,你曾经邀请我玩游戏我去了?我可没去。我让你在我好友列表里躺尸都积灰了对吗?对你有意思?我对你馬挺有意思的,就好奇的点了下这个游戏,以为那是该游戏的宣传直播就一直在等加载。给你解释后反而被嘲讽,你怎么不恶心你馬去呢?邀请你玩怪猎那游戏纯属那游戏对新人不友好,看你3小时左右的纯萌新想照顾下。 从你主动加上我好友一共就打过俩次游戏,列表说话不超3次。完全是陌生人,你哪来那么自恋的自信啊???

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