How many crates can you get in a single day?

just asking :steamsalty:

IWINCrabGame™ replied to How many crates can you get in a single day? January 3, 2022 @ 9:26:25 pm PST
IWINCrabGame™ replied to How many crates can you get in a single day? January 3, 2022 @ 9:26:25 pm PST

Originally posted by tureba:
Originally posted by Effy:
You can get like 4 crates a day including the one you get from completing the daily quest ^^
appreciate it :griefer:

4 a day in addition to 1 from your daily quest (5 maximum)

tureba replied to How many crates can you get in a single day? January 6, 2022 @ 2:02:19 pm PST
tureba replied to How many crates can you get in a single day? January 6, 2022 @ 2:02:19 pm PST

Originally posted by iWin IWCG™:
Originally posted by tureba:
appreciate it :griefer:

4 a day in addition to 1 from your daily quest (5 maximum)
It's 4 actually, including the one from daily quest :griefer:

Effy replied to How many crates can you get in a single day? January 3, 2022 @ 9:06:05 am PST
Effy replied to How many crates can you get in a single day? January 3, 2022 @ 9:06:05 am PST

You can get like 4 crates a day including the one you get from completing the daily quest ^^

tureba replied to How many crates can you get in a single day? January 3, 2022 @ 9:16:27 am PST
tureba replied to How many crates can you get in a single day? January 3, 2022 @ 9:16:27 am PST

Originally posted by Effy:
You can get like 4 crates a day including the one you get from completing the daily quest ^^
appreciate it :griefer: