What happend with the rest of the Chariots


following the story I had a question about the Faro-Plague. The Faro-Plague evolved from the Hartz-Timor-swarm. But if I am correct those were not the only Chariots. We know that it took Minerva 50 years to crack the Black-Quartz-encryption. I daubt a scarab would be faster. So why did the humans not killed the Hartz-Timor-swarm with the remaining chariots?

Xenophobe replied to What happend with the rest of the Chariots April 5, 2022 @ 8:38:32 am PDT
Xenophobe replied to What happend with the rest of the Chariots April 5, 2022 @ 8:38:32 am PDT

because the rogue swarm could override and take control of them.

CyberCat replied to What happend with the rest of the Chariots April 5, 2022 @ 11:33:11 am PDT
CyberCat replied to What happend with the rest of the Chariots April 5, 2022 @ 11:33:11 am PDT

Originally posted by Xenophobe:
because the rogue swarm could override and take control of them.
Which always sort of confused me a bit... How could the Faro Plague swarm hack other robots when mankind couldn't? I mean the FP still had to cut through he same encryption that protected themselves. Also why couldn't the swarms working for mankind overide the FP swarm just as easily as the FP could overide others? (shrugs)

Xenophobe replied to What happend with the rest of the Chariots April 5, 2022 @ 11:39:06 am PDT
Xenophobe replied to What happend with the rest of the Chariots April 5, 2022 @ 11:39:06 am PDT

slaving an active bot to the rogue swarm network is not the same as having the global kill code.