Capital Ships not spawning?

I've been trying to get the executor capital ship for the past two days, I've unlocked and completed the areas mentioned in the hint but I've gone to both systems, fought plenty of battles and both systems have given me the message saying that capital ships only spawn in specific locations after fighting 3+ space battles. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

Velvok replied to Capital Ships not spawning? April 8, 2022 @ 8:48:43 pm PDT
Velvok replied to Capital Ships not spawning? April 8, 2022 @ 8:48:43 pm PDT

I was trying to get Federations capital ship but he and others started to appear only after i completed 4 and 5 chapters. I dont think that completing chapters are important buuuuut...maybe you have to play more?

xaero replied to Capital Ships not spawning? April 8, 2022 @ 8:57:17 pm PDT
xaero replied to Capital Ships not spawning? April 8, 2022 @ 8:57:17 pm PDT

I completed 4-5, started 6 and none of them spawn after jumping to place to place for like an hour or so

TakenStatue777 replied to Capital Ships not spawning? April 9, 2022 @ 7:56:06 pm PDT
TakenStatue777 replied to Capital Ships not spawning? April 9, 2022 @ 7:56:06 pm PDT

same issue. have you had any luck?

Lord Revan replied to Capital Ships not spawning? April 9, 2022 @ 8:16:36 pm PDT
Lord Revan replied to Capital Ships not spawning? April 9, 2022 @ 8:16:36 pm PDT

I wasn't able to get the Executer to appear until after beating Episodes IV, V and VI. I tested it. Spent two hours trying to get it to show before and it would not spawn. Beat the main triligy and it appeared after only three space battles. The trade federation capital spawned the very first time I went to Nabu after completing the prequel triligy. I don't think they will appear until you complete the generation it belongs to, unless someone else has first hand experience otherwise.

Midavalo replied to Capital Ships not spawning? January 5, 2023 @ 5:05:58 pm PDT
Midavalo replied to Capital Ships not spawning? January 5, 2023 @ 5:05:58 pm PDT

Originally posted by Lord Revan:
I don't think they will appear until you complete the generation it belongs to
Yeah that's not it :( I've completed all 9 episodes and as far as I can tell have completely any prerequisites, and still I fight many battles, and I jump from planet to planet and still no ship. I've tried for different ships and so far only have 2x death star and the invisible hand (which I wasn't even trying for!)

goldengoose7 replied to Capital Ships not spawning? January 6, 2023 @ 9:25:01 am PDT
goldengoose7 replied to Capital Ships not spawning? January 6, 2023 @ 9:25:01 am PDT

Originally posted by Midavalo:
Originally posted by Lord Revan:
I don't think they will appear until you complete the generation it belongs to
Yeah that's not it :( I've completed all 9 episodes and as far as I can tell have completely any prerequisites, and still I fight many battles, and I jump from planet to planet and still no ship. I've tried for different ships and so far only have 2x death star and the invisible hand (which I wasn't even trying for!)

That ship's spawn rate is the most infrequent of all of them. It will show up eventually if you just keep flying to different systems and performing the usual trigger moves to get a Capital Ship to spawn. Shooting up the Stud Comet until it is totally depleted is the most effective way to get a Capital Ship to spawn into the system. Better than engaging in local battles within the conflict zones.

Again... The Executor is the most infrequently spawed in ship of the game. It does show up, but having to run through a half dozen or more systems spawning in other more common Capital Ships is not unusual before it finally shows up.

I've got over 450 hours into this game now, and Capital Ship take-downs is pretty much all I have been doing for the last 150 hours of gameplay.

Synavix replied to Capital Ships not spawning? January 6, 2023 @ 1:30:12 pm PDT
Synavix replied to Capital Ships not spawning? January 6, 2023 @ 1:30:12 pm PDT

Originally posted by goldengoose7:
I've got over 450 hours into this game now, and Capital Ship take-downs is pretty much all I have been doing for the last 150 hours of gameplay.

Have you had any that were impossible to kill? I just unlocked the Fulminatrix in orbit of Cantonica, got all the bricks there, flew back into orbit and had a second Dreadnought spawn in right away.

The problem was that the engines were outside of the boundary of the space zone, so every time I'd try to get to the back of the ship I'd be automatically turned around.

The space boundary was in front of all those floating stud circles. I couldn't even get close enough to them to collect, and tried to approach from both the top and bottom. I even left the encounter to try and approach from behind but still couldn't get there and just decided to give up. I'm assuming those were the engines since nothing else I could find could be locked on to, but I couldn't really get behind there to see. Maybe I was missing something. I had all the other turrets killed and none of the tie fighters were giving progress.

goldengoose7 replied to Capital Ships not spawning? January 6, 2023 @ 5:50:53 pm PDT
goldengoose7 replied to Capital Ships not spawning? January 6, 2023 @ 5:50:53 pm PDT

That is a glitch with the game and can also happen with the Executor which is the other super large ship. If you can't manage to squeak by the border limit to get to the engines, you will just have to abort the attempt. That ship doesn't always spawn like that, with the engines outside the sphere it is normally contained within.

I reported that as a bug months ago, but obviously, nothing was ever done to fix it.

Synavix replied to Capital Ships not spawning? January 6, 2023 @ 7:09:18 pm PDT
Synavix replied to Capital Ships not spawning? January 6, 2023 @ 7:09:18 pm PDT

Ah, good to know it's not just me then. It wasn't a big deal since they show up pretty often for me. Thanks.

Marcus replied to Capital Ships not spawning? April 28, 2023 @ 1:03:56 pm PDT
Marcus replied to Capital Ships not spawning? April 28, 2023 @ 1:03:56 pm PDT

I just went to Galaxy mode to get the capital ships...except Executor or whats the name I got all from just wont spawn....hint says spawns in bespin and tatooine...still nope...welp

Marcus replied to Capital Ships not spawning? April 29, 2023 @ 6:36:31 am PDT
Marcus replied to Capital Ships not spawning? April 29, 2023 @ 6:36:31 am PDT

Ok started galaxy mode, changed to y-wing and hero garven dreis(red leader) and executor instantly spawned, when loaded galaxy mode it gave me first order tie and death star button clicker villain...