Thursdoid Blog April 27th - Bren After Reading
Death replied to Thursdoid Blog April 27th - Bren After Reading April 27, 2023 @ 7:39:49 pm PDT
Death replied to Thursdoid Blog April 27th - Bren After Reading April 27, 2023 @ 7:39:49 pm PDT

Lol Penn S Ham is an awesome reference.

Puppers replied to Thursdoid Blog April 27th - Bren After Reading April 27, 2023 @ 11:22:36 pm PDT
Puppers replied to Thursdoid Blog April 27th - Bren After Reading April 27, 2023 @ 11:22:36 pm PDT

Best pz hevicle ever

Mr.Bean > Zelenskii replied to Thursdoid Blog April 27th - Bren After Reading April 28, 2023 @ 1:50:03 am PDT
Mr.Bean > Zelenskii replied to Thursdoid Blog April 27th - Bren After Reading April 28, 2023 @ 1:50:03 am PDT

I have a question about the newspapers and all the pictures that were mentioned in this newsletter.
Is this kind of a lore game?

Mr.Bean > Zelenskii replied to Thursdoid Blog April 27th - Bren After Reading April 28, 2023 @ 1:53:48 am PDT
Mr.Bean > Zelenskii replied to Thursdoid Blog April 27th - Bren After Reading April 28, 2023 @ 1:53:48 am PDT

How about introducing mods at build 42 or later after build 42 with a PZ community vote?
Let's say people say they want mods where more of said mod will be, that mod goes on the ballot and people choose the rest of the mod they want at first and then another. So you don't have to do everything at once, you can add mods separately. Although, by the way, mods will lose their specificity, but also, mods can improve what, introduced in the game.

Sneaky replied to Thursdoid Blog April 27th - Bren After Reading April 28, 2023 @ 5:49:30 am PDT
Sneaky replied to Thursdoid Blog April 27th - Bren After Reading April 28, 2023 @ 5:49:30 am PDT

Absolutely LOVE all the new story/lore details being implemented! Personalising/"humanising" the zombies you find and kill sounds great.

༺ Paul Muad'Dib ༻ replied to Thursdoid Blog April 27th - Bren After Reading April 28, 2023 @ 7:38:01 am PDT
༺ Paul Muad'Dib ༻ replied to Thursdoid Blog April 27th - Bren After Reading April 28, 2023 @ 7:38:01 am PDT

i like the cool-down for reading magazines, I was always leaving them unread due to wanting to collect them! :winter2019joyfultearssnowman: And more TV channels is great! I love the lore expanding stuff. Will these new items have inspectable 3d models like VHS covers? I just love browsing the VHS titles for this reason, fine details that really are the cherry on top. Although I appreciate that this sort of thing is a lot of work.

disaster replied to Thursdoid Blog April 27th - Bren After Reading April 28, 2023 @ 10:49:19 am PDT
disaster replied to Thursdoid Blog April 27th - Bren After Reading April 28, 2023 @ 10:49:19 am PDT

Looks good! Waiting patiently in anticipation for the Build 42 beta and beyond - this really does look like feature creep, but the good kind of feature creep when the core game is already in place and working pretty well (looking at you star citizen!!)

Bows specifically have had their absence very much noted by myself, I hope that there will be different types of bows with a strength based draw weight damage modifier, with the heavier draw weights usable against zombies. If not, someone will mod it in, I'msure.

Historically speaking, English archers were usually stronger than the swordsmen and pikemen as it took some serious upper body strength to fire an arrow capable of piercing through armour.

JoshKillin replied to Thursdoid Blog April 27th - Bren After Reading April 28, 2023 @ 12:41:49 pm PDT
JoshKillin replied to Thursdoid Blog April 27th - Bren After Reading April 28, 2023 @ 12:41:49 pm PDT

I'd like to suggest that coughing and sneezing don't show text above a player's head when doing so, as the sounds make it pretty obvious what is happening.

Looks amazing so far, I can't wait for the next update!

Videogames replied to Thursdoid Blog April 27th - Bren After Reading April 28, 2023 @ 2:14:51 pm PDT
Videogames replied to Thursdoid Blog April 27th - Bren After Reading April 28, 2023 @ 2:14:51 pm PDT

No longer can we make fun of them with "eating books" jokes. Looks good.

- On a side note, interesting coded messaging in these last few updates

Case replied to Thursdoid Blog April 27th - Bren After Reading April 28, 2023 @ 5:15:28 pm PDT
Case replied to Thursdoid Blog April 27th - Bren After Reading April 28, 2023 @ 5:15:28 pm PDT

Looks really good! I am so happy to see the game progress.

Big Trouble Now replied to Thursdoid Blog April 27th - Bren After Reading April 29, 2023 @ 6:23:50 am PDT
Big Trouble Now replied to Thursdoid Blog April 27th - Bren After Reading April 29, 2023 @ 6:23:50 am PDT

You mentioned in previous post about trying to balance tedium with zomboid realism for the tech trees and reckon you may have crossed the tedium line. I was just wondering that perhaps you could have maybe 3 different levels of progression to pick between on world creation? Easy, Medium, Hard. With the higher difficulties having the full tedious but realistic tech tree, and easy having it cut down a lot for those who want to skip a lot of the grind and get straight to the cool stuff at the end. Not sure if this is the place to post this stuff but I just thought this is a potential solution to please a wider array of people as regardless if you go big or small on the tech tree, there will be people who think its too short or too long. Love your work regardless of what you go with :D: