Skill Books

Hello Survivors.
I understand that unlike watching tv, which gives you xp right there, reading a skillbook grants you a multiplier, when you actually use the skill. (As shown in effect by the flashing arrows.) But does the effect last “until” I go do the activity? Or do I have to go do it right away to get the benefit.

Also… what is the difference in real terms between the apocalypse and survival game modes? Reading the blurb, I see that the former means a shorter life span… is it just a harder mode?


Cute Fanat replied to Skill Books January 15, 2022 @ 9:56:36 am PST
Cute Fanat replied to Skill Books January 15, 2022 @ 9:56:36 am PST

Effects last until u upgrade the skill example read 1-2 upgrade 1-2 gg, read again for 3-4 or till ur character die

Cute Fanat replied to Skill Books January 15, 2022 @ 9:57:47 am PST
Cute Fanat replied to Skill Books January 15, 2022 @ 9:57:47 am PST

If u mean other that is not in Apocalypse and close to it, it's just like challenges