Animal Husbandry Help (Feeding Animals)

Greetings, all! Playing with Hydrocraft for the first time and came across a few animals: two cats and a rabbit. Knowing the game, they will need to be fed. I have no idea how to do this. I logged off to keep them from dying, but if anyone can offer input, or a link to a detailed guide on how to properly care for animals, I'd greatly appreciate it.

cf777 replied to Animal Husbandry Help (Feeding Animals) February 10, 2022 @ 11:49:41 am PST
cf777 replied to Animal Husbandry Help (Feeding Animals) February 10, 2022 @ 11:49:41 am PST

Hi...i used to play Hydrocraft few years ago. I started to play hydrocraft about a week ago and i like it but i gues rabbits are some kind of buggy. I found a rabbit male in a cage and it does not get hungry. And cats should be the same i gues. Cats are more for fun and rabbits can be bred once u have a male and a female. Then build a rabbit hutch and you can feed and breed them. But there is one problem: it should be nearly a miracle to find a female and male rabbit. Once there were cornfields in the game and you could find some rabbits inside this cornfields, but they were recently removed. Your only hope is to find living rabbits inside a cage so be happy that you dont need to feed your rabbit till the day you find a fitting second one. When you discover a region all rabbits in cages will become dead after few days so you should hurry and look through all sheds and warehouses.
When you are into Animal husbandry then you should look for dog whistles and pray to god to find a hunting dog...then you can start to raise cows or goats they are much cooler cos they give milk and meat and from milk u can make some nice recipes and animals can be fed with rotten vegetables.

Gen_Bait replied to Animal Husbandry Help (Feeding Animals) February 10, 2022 @ 10:23:50 pm PST
Gen_Bait replied to Animal Husbandry Help (Feeding Animals) February 10, 2022 @ 10:23:50 pm PST

How do I feed the animals, though? The cats aren't hungry yet, but the rabbit is.

cf777 replied to Animal Husbandry Help (Feeding Animals) February 11, 2022 @ 7:29:06 am PST
cf777 replied to Animal Husbandry Help (Feeding Animals) February 11, 2022 @ 7:29:06 am PST

Right click on need to have food and water in your inventory(cabbage, carrots, Corn etc.)

Gen_Bait replied to Animal Husbandry Help (Feeding Animals) February 11, 2022 @ 8:32:29 pm PST
Gen_Bait replied to Animal Husbandry Help (Feeding Animals) February 11, 2022 @ 8:32:29 pm PST

Do I need a pet bowl? I read somewhere that if I don't have one I can't feed them.

Mi replied to Animal Husbandry Help (Feeding Animals) February 11, 2022 @ 9:12:17 pm PST
Mi replied to Animal Husbandry Help (Feeding Animals) February 11, 2022 @ 9:12:17 pm PST

i think
dat for water?? I dont know but defy not farm animal
been ages for me too