Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid
Jarl Ironfrost replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 3, 2022 @ 11:07:39 am PST
Jarl Ironfrost replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 3, 2022 @ 11:07:39 am PST

Keep up the great work, can't wait to hear about what you have in store for the professions and crafting update.

Dr Krieg replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 3, 2022 @ 11:33:29 am PST
Dr Krieg replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 3, 2022 @ 11:33:29 am PST

I mentioned this years ago at the Zomboid meet up in Newcastle but it now sounds like it could now be worked in potentially. I'd love for there to be subterranean levels, so not just being able to expand beyond the 8th floor, but to go into the negative values and have basements, sewers, underground railways and maybe mines and bunkers.

If functional ladders come into the game at some point I'd like to be able to think "right the streets ahead have too many zombies, I'll risk lifting a grate and going through the sewers before resurfacing closer to my destination".

One can dream!

EnigmaGrey replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 3, 2022 @ 11:39:49 am PST
EnigmaGrey replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 3, 2022 @ 11:39:49 am PST

Originally posted by Dr Krieg:
I mentioned this years ago at the Zomboid meet up in Newcastle but it now sounds like it could now be worked in potentially. I'd love for there to be subterranean levels, so not just being able to expand beyond the 8th floor, but to go into the negative values and have basements, sewers, underground railways and maybe mines and bunkers.

If functional ladders come into the game at some point I'd like to be able to think "right the streets ahead have too many zombies, I'll risk lifting a grate and going through the sewers before resurfacing closer to my destination".

One can dream!

It is far more likely now, but not guaranteed. :)

Chilli Dog Dave replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 3, 2022 @ 11:58:53 am PST
Chilli Dog Dave replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 3, 2022 @ 11:58:53 am PST

the lighting change is pleasing.
but on the note of lighting could the huge sound generated by a light switch flick be fixed along side it? would hate to still ignore light switches just because they are automatic horde magnets

Shady Allie replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 3, 2022 @ 1:08:57 pm PST
Shady Allie replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 3, 2022 @ 1:08:57 pm PST

"- Added ability to use sheet ropes to create log stacks"
OMG yes

nasKo replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 3, 2022 @ 2:48:12 pm PST
nasKo replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 3, 2022 @ 2:48:12 pm PST

Originally posted by Chilli Dog Dave:
the lighting change is pleasing.
but on the note of lighting could the huge sound generated by a light switch flick be fixed along side it? would hate to still ignore light switches just because they are automatic horde magnets
Already is.
It was a leftover from the old days. These days it's hardly needed at all, so was removed.
Had honestly thought it was removed a while ago.

LostSoul replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 3, 2022 @ 3:25:26 pm PST
LostSoul replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 3, 2022 @ 3:25:26 pm PST

I still notice light shining through the window portion of doors from some directions and not others. You could see it in the demo video -- where the window-portion of the door was still completely black despite light from the room beyond it casting through the closed door (so, the light is coming through the window). This only happens when the door is viewed from two of the four directions.

Is this a limitation of draw-order sorting, or is there plans to eventually let the light shine through windowed doors from all directions?

EnigmaGrey replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 3, 2022 @ 3:50:46 pm PST
EnigmaGrey replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 3, 2022 @ 3:50:46 pm PST

Originally posted by LostSoul:
I still notice light shining through the window portion of doors from some directions and not others. You could see it in the demo video -- where the window-portion of the door was still completely black despite light from the room beyond it casting through the closed door (so, the light is coming through the window). This only happens when the door is viewed from two of the four directions.

Is this a limitation of draw-order sorting, or is there plans to eventually let the light shine through windowed doors from all directions?

It's just a proof a concept at this point. There's still a ton of work to do.

Sun of Socialism replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 3, 2022 @ 4:08:43 pm PST
Sun of Socialism replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 3, 2022 @ 4:08:43 pm PST

ETA on 41.66? The patch looks great, looking forward to it.

IndustryStandard replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 3, 2022 @ 8:29:01 pm PST
IndustryStandard replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 3, 2022 @ 8:29:01 pm PST

I'm hoping with the lighting overhaul they might consider the options players have regarding lighting once power goes out. Batteries and bulbs seem to go out faster than what feels acceptable.

And if you remove a light switch then you can never turn the ceiling light back on.

It's a bit disappointing to not see a way to adjust the volume of individual players in the VOIP settings : c

Sparkbolt replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 3, 2022 @ 8:52:01 pm PST
Sparkbolt replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 3, 2022 @ 8:52:01 pm PST

Originally posted by nasKo:
Originally posted by Chilli Dog Dave:
the lighting change is pleasing.
but on the note of lighting could the huge sound generated by a light switch flick be fixed along side it? would hate to still ignore light switches just because they are automatic horde magnets
Already is.
It was a leftover from the old days. These days it's hardly needed at all, so was removed.
Had honestly thought it was removed a while ago.
It looks like it was still showing up in 41.56!

As for the update, I am psyched for the lighting changes! They do a *ton* for the ambiance of the game mood, it looks awesome in the preview!

IndustryStandard replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 3, 2022 @ 9:01:06 pm PST
IndustryStandard replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 3, 2022 @ 9:01:06 pm PST

Originally posted by Sparkbolt:
Originally posted by nasKo:
Already is.
It was a leftover from the old days. These days it's hardly needed at all, so was removed.
Had honestly thought it was removed a while ago.
It looks like it was still showing up in 41.56!

As for the update, I am psyched for the lighting changes! They do a *ton* for the ambiance of the game mood, it looks awesome in the preview!

I think he meant they removed it for the upcoming update thinking it was already removed.

Ragman205 replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 4, 2022 @ 4:02:30 am PST
Ragman205 replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 4, 2022 @ 4:02:30 am PST

Keep up the excellent work TIS! You should all be very proud of what you've accomplished!

EnigmaGrey replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 4, 2022 @ 4:14:45 am PST
EnigmaGrey replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 4, 2022 @ 4:14:45 am PST

Originally posted by IndustryStandard:
Originally posted by Sparkbolt:
It looks like it was still showing up in 41.56!

As for the update, I am psyched for the lighting changes! They do a *ton* for the ambiance of the game mood, it looks awesome in the preview!

I think he meant they removed it for the upcoming update thinking it was already removed.

Yes, that's what is meant.

Double-checked last night that it was gone, just to be sure.

Kastrenzo replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 4, 2022 @ 1:04:26 pm PST
Kastrenzo replied to Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid February 4, 2022 @ 1:04:26 pm PST

are you going to fix the engine "bug" that causes turning lights on and off at night to make noise?

(to those not in the know, at night time, when you turn a lightswitch on anything on or off, even if its in the middle of a house or behind curtained windows, it literally makes "sound" as if someone shouted from that position, attracting zombies, it was a ghetto way of making it so that light sources at night attract attention)