Building a home (bugged sometimes?) how to fix?

i had a bit of confusion on the buildings, it might be a bug, specifically making room n such.
it seems like the game acknowleged a new "boxed" area that i built from scratch as a "room" per se, because the temperature in it and outside of it are different.

from what i ve leaned, when you correctly build a "room" or an area it will turn the temp fromm whatever outside (example -2'c) to its own temperature (in my case the room i made correctly are 22'c). and not only that, if you put a lighting in that said room it will have its own "lighting" as in its clear that the game aware that that is a "room"

but some "rooms" just doesnt do this. the only thing i noticed when building thing "corrrectly" is when i completely blocked all the sides,
if theres door frame, i put door on it, f theres window wall i put windows on it, and only after that i installed a roof on top. out of 7 "room" i ve built, 4 of em doesnt count as a room, but just count as "outside", yet this still confuse me, because i dont know what cause it to truly made a "room" actually counts as one.

the worst part is that i dont know if this is the mods problem or vanilla problem, if so how do i actually fix the said "room"

[IHS]Greg_Kirkman replied to Building a home (bugged sometimes?) how to fix? February 11, 2022 @ 3:55:09 pm PST
[IHS]Greg_Kirkman replied to Building a home (bugged sometimes?) how to fix? February 11, 2022 @ 3:55:09 pm PST

Are you adding onto a pre-existing building? In other words using 1 wall that already exists and then adding 3 additional exterior walls? Any room using the existing wall will still be counted as "outside". You must build all 4 exterior walls yourself. Also the SE corner (I believe) will need a post installed to completely enclose the room in that corner of the building.

Unknown Zom replied to Building a home (bugged sometimes?) how to fix? February 11, 2022 @ 3:56:00 pm PST
Unknown Zom replied to Building a home (bugged sometimes?) how to fix? February 11, 2022 @ 3:56:00 pm PST

Pillar at the SW NE wall meet maybe?

ZoraergazU replied to Building a home (bugged sometimes?) how to fix? February 11, 2022 @ 7:46:04 pm PST
ZoraergazU replied to Building a home (bugged sometimes?) how to fix? February 11, 2022 @ 7:46:04 pm PST

Originally posted by IHSGreg_Kirkman:
Are you adding onto a pre-existing building? In other words using 1 wall that already exists and then adding 3 additional exterior walls? Any room using the existing wall will still be counted as "outside". You must build all 4 exterior walls yourself. Also the SE corner (I believe) will need a post installed to completely enclose the room in that corner of the building.
so... wait
that means ur not supposed to make them just "connect" to other walls
lets say i did already made a "room"
and then i made a room next to it. that room will still count as outside ?