Lamp issues

Sometimes my floodlights and lamps shut off for no reason and i'm not giving the option to turn them back on?

Rotating the floodlights makes my character turn them back on sometimes, but lamps can't be rotated.

Nordil(Hun) replied to Lamp issues February 4, 2022 @ 10:14:21 am PST
Nordil(Hun) replied to Lamp issues February 4, 2022 @ 10:14:21 am PST

Did you check the lightbulb? They tend to destroyed VERY fast, while in use.
Not sure which lamps you are talking about, as the small ones in bedrooms can be rotated but it is barely visible. (Or i might remember wrong, i stopped caring for them a long while ago, because of the huge bulb destruction occurance:P)

scorp_poison replied to Lamp issues February 4, 2022 @ 9:29:48 pm PST
scorp_poison replied to Lamp issues February 4, 2022 @ 9:29:48 pm PST

How do I check their light bulbs?
Wall sconces too?
And flood lights?