few Questions....

So at first I thought it was the games difficulty that bothers me, but no. It's way too much juggling thirst/hunger/depression ect ect to the point where your not really playing the game. by the time I do some thing to keep from being bored? I get hungry, by the time I eat? am thirsty,then? dirty, then ? depressed, then? tired, then? hungry again...to the point your not really doing anything.
you spend days just balancing hunger and you don't "progress" the game at all cause your too busy with getting hungry every 2mins.
Its kind of ridiculous
how do you balance this?
also, am stuck at carpentry 2/3 I was just going around dissembling things , will that level it up ? or do I need to find a book?

Za Warudo replied to few Questions.... February 4, 2022 @ 9:24:08 pm PST
Za Warudo replied to few Questions.... February 4, 2022 @ 9:24:08 pm PST

- for hunger, it's not necessary to eat until it say "could eat a horse"
- for thirst, you can fill and carry some water container than your character will automatic drink it when need
- boring increase when you indoor, just find something to read or open tv broadcast, if there's no broadcast just use VHS
- depression only occur when you got stess for long time, try not to get stress too much and if you already got depression that's a medicine you can take
- your character will get tired depend on how much you worked, you'll get tired sooner when you go smash like 100 zombies or running all day. Find some watch to wear and beware when it's getting late, you can still fight and do your jobs when tired but with reduce strength so becareful.

it's not that big issue if you know what the cause and how to deal with it, make good preparation is the best solution like bring some snacks and water when you go for finding loot or exploration.

Zombie Suicide replied to few Questions.... February 4, 2022 @ 9:36:20 pm PST
Zombie Suicide replied to few Questions.... February 4, 2022 @ 9:36:20 pm PST

Originally posted by Za Warudo:
- for hunger, it's not necessary to eat until it say "could eat a horse"
- for thirst, you can fill and carry some water container than your character will automatic drink it when need
- boring increase when you indoor, just find something to read or open tv broadcast, if there's no broadcast just use VHS
- depression only occur when you got stess for long time, try not to get stress too much and if you already got depression that's a medicine you can take

it's not that big issue if you know what the cause and how to deal with it, make good preparation is the best solution like bring some snacks and water when you go for finding loot or exploration.
yeah maybe i need to let it run longer but there is something off about the amount of time all these basic things are needed to be addresses. its just too much too often. I don't even feel like am playing a game, am just right clicking things to right click them .
I feel like zero progression.

KillerKommando replied to few Questions.... February 4, 2022 @ 9:36:38 pm PST
KillerKommando replied to few Questions.... February 4, 2022 @ 9:36:38 pm PST

It likely is the game's difficulty, for now. Default settings are positively brutal for new players not used to the mechanics. The devs want it to be difficult. The problem is that there isn't a tutorial mode offered after your 2/3/4 death for players who need a bit more leeway at first.

I suggest starting on either builder or sandbox modes, and changing the settings to something you think is reasonable. Then test it out. If it's still too difficult, lower the settings again. Eventually you'll find a good balance and begin to learn some of the mid-game skills like farming, trapping, and mechanics.

For your hunger - Keep some food handy in your backpack and favorite it so it doesn't get accidentally transferred. Eat this only if you need sustenance while out scouting/looting and cannot find any food nearby. Eating this food should be your trigger to pack up what your doing and head back to base. At your base, keep a stockpile of canned goods with an extra can opener. I personally carry a favorite'd can opener on me almost always because canned goods are fairly plentiful even on rare loot settings. Good options are canned soup, carrots, and tuna for storage.

For thirst - Keep a water container on hand. This is typically a water bottle. Refill this container every chance you see a water spigot with no zombies. Alternatively, you can carry two water containers and that should last you enough for all day. If you play on Apocalypse (default) settings, you do not initially start with a water bottle or backpack. In this instance, check kitchens for empty mugs or bowls. These will store water in a pinch that your character will automatically drink from to counter their thirst meter drain.

For depression - Any time you come across books, magazines, newspapers, and comic books, pick them up. Keep a good stash (20 or so) on hand and read them when you get depressed. Magazines and newspapers are only good for reducing your boredom, not your depression, so read these if you see the moodle for boredom and it will likely prevent you from becoming unhappy.

Yes, disassembling objects will level up your Carpentry skill always. The beds give the best XP. By reading the Carpentry skill books (beginner, intermediate, advance, expert, master), you will apply a large XP multiplier that will decrease the amount of objects you need to raise your level. They are highly recommended you read. You do not need a book to level up the skill however. There are recipe magazines that you will need to read in order to create the related objects, such as for building metal crates or using your mechanics skill on sport type vehicles.

Za Warudo replied to few Questions.... February 4, 2022 @ 9:55:05 pm PST
Za Warudo replied to few Questions.... February 4, 2022 @ 9:55:05 pm PST

like KillerKommando said, you can try tweak things in sandbox mode to learn some game mechanic. You can try either set day longer or reduce how much you need to eat and sleep.

Default game setting is one day = 1hr irl so consider we need to eat breakfast, luch and dinner at 6am 0pm and 6pm it should be every 15 minute irl.