Barrel and Fence Barricade

Does the method of building two fences and putting a crate or water barrel in between them still make an impassable barrier?

11:14 am, May 30, 2023

friend cant join my hosted server, help needed please

for some reason whenever my friend tries to join it just says server is not responding or that i need to allow him to join but i never get an option to let him join, please help, really want to try th..

11:14 am, May 30, 2023

Stutter when zombies appear on screen

Title.The game stutters when they first are rendered onto my screen / in the buildings that appear on my screen. Happens zoomed in or out. I also get really bad stuttering when driving, but that seems..

11:14 am, May 30, 2023

game wont launch

When my game is running, it doesnt start and im on windows 11

11:14 am, May 30, 2023

My character its reset

Hi. I have a very strange problem. I've been playing my character for a few days now. I have a heavily modded game on the unstable branch of Project Zomboid. That's why I keep backing up my save game ..

11:14 am, May 30, 2023

How to make zombies completely blind?

I want to do a The Last of Us style play through with zombies that are blind but with pinpoint hearing. I can find any mods on the workshop that make zombies completely blind however, and the lowest o..

11:14 am, May 30, 2023

Random Survivors

so im playin solo and encountered a survivor killing zombies and looting. Is this somethin new added to the game?

11:14 am, May 30, 2023


Всё перепробовал!Помогите пожалуйста, кто разбирается или сталкивался с такой проблемой.Вот ошибки:ERROR: General ,..

11:14 am, May 30, 2023

Mod Spotlight: Clear Cove


11:14 am, May 30, 2023

CotD #8: Kept You Waiting, Huh?


11:14 am, May 30, 2023

Thursdoid Blog May 25th - Mizter McGregor's Garden


11:14 am, May 30, 2023

Zoom en el menu

No puedo jugar por qué se me hace zoom en el menú

2:14 am, May 20, 2023

Anyone want to play? no mods

I dont have a mic

2:14 am, May 20, 2023

creating a modpack

does some 1 know how to create a modpack :d ?

2:14 am, May 20, 2023


can only grow cabbage carrots and strawberries other things like trees wont do anything any help would be appreciated

2:14 am, May 20, 2023

We've been waiting for over a year now. Where is the NPC update?

Is there EVER gonna be an npc update?

2:14 am, May 20, 2023



2:14 am, May 20, 2023


someone can help me randomly appears this bug that says i get a level of strenght and physical state and the text bpx just dont dissapear and mi strenght and physical state starts to decrease somene c..

2:14 am, May 20, 2023

The weight penalty makes zero sense in this game

Literally wearing an airforce helmet, Airforce overalls, a small 15lb Alice bag with 1 sleeping bag and 1 orange soda makes it so i cant run?How does that make any sense lmao

2:14 am, May 20, 2023

Could PZ be a everyday life game?

Hey PZ people, I've been wondering lately if anyone has ever attempted to turn pz into a game without zombies. Something like a normal "every day simulator" if that makes sense. I mean, reso..

2:14 am, May 20, 2023

Mod Spotlight: DaddyDirkieDirk's Tiles


2:14 am, May 20, 2023

Thursdoid Blog May 11th - The Skillful HuntZman


2:14 am, May 20, 2023

MP server stuck on "Server Started"

let it sit for a solid 5 minutes, wouldn't move any further than that. my coop_console.txt log is way too large, but I'm sure if I know what to post, we might be able to find the cause of the issue.wh..

11:14 pm, April 29, 2023

does this game have splitscreen?

if so how do i enable it?

11:14 pm, April 29, 2023

A mod with an objective?

Recently saw a mod where you parachute into a starting location, like a Rambo-type character. That got me thinking: is there a mod that presents an objective to the game, where we come landing in from..

11:14 pm, April 29, 2023


I cannot attach vehicles to tow them in my current game. I checked all my mods and none of them says this is an issue.

11:14 pm, April 29, 2023

Is there such thing as a vegetarian who can maintain weight?

I am doing the CDDA challenge and I am about 2 months in. Needless to say, I've been losing weight. I've been country living, with no wheels. Any way.. I've gotten lucky a few times. Once, I managed t..

11:14 pm, April 29, 2023

Something I'd like to see in the First-Aid system:

Holding direct pressure on wounds to slow bleeding, for scenarios where bandages are not immediately available. Bandage, sutures, or tourniquets are obviously preferable, so I think there should still..

11:14 pm, April 29, 2023

What is the point of gravel bags / walls?

I understand they let you see past them, but beyond causing zombies to stumble for only a few seconds, what function do they have? is their whole point to let the player stab zombies before they get b..

11:14 pm, April 29, 2023

literally cant host a modded server ( TERMINATED )

I have tried absolutely everything imaginable and its not working. i can post log files but the problem i am having now is the game is just saying Terminated after trying to use the host button please..

11:14 pm, April 29, 2023

One-shot KO from back bite?

What's the deal with being insta-killed by a zombie when it lands an attack from behind, even though I have full clothing on (some armor included), and the military backpack on my back, but can still ..

11:14 pm, April 29, 2023

Disable Ironman mode

Is there a way to make it possible to load game before you character died?

11:14 pm, April 29, 2023

Thursdoid Blog April 27th - Bren After Reading


11:14 pm, April 29, 2023

Bug d'affichage

Salut à tous, en me connectant sur un serveur (et c'est un problème qui m'étais déjà arrivé lorsque j'hébergeais une partie) j'atterris dans un endroit ou il y'a un problème d'affichage, la ma..

11:14 pm, April 19, 2023

This game is a time travelling machine

Everytime I want to fast forward a few hours of the day I just press play Project Zomboid and *puff* 6 hours have passed. Amazing

11:14 pm, April 19, 2023

Does this game have an open dedicated server browser?

I just wanna hop into a server to play with my friends and not have to wait on a host to start the server.Can I find servers like these ingame or do I need to look through the discord?

11:14 pm, April 19, 2023

how do you let you server have mods?

me and my friends made a private server a few weeks ago but none of the mods we installed work, i just went to the mods in the ini and added them, but they dont work. what am i doing wrong?

11:14 pm, April 19, 2023

como reduzco la depresion?

hola soy nuevo en pz y siempre me pasa que mis personajes tienen el estado , ¿sabe que puedo hacer para que baje? si hay mods que ayuden con eso tambien me sirve

11:14 pm, April 19, 2023

Is this a bug? Or intended?

So I tried sprinting past a couple of zombies. Sometimes I slip and fall, then I die. I try simply running past them, same thing happens, and when I run into a zombie I stop for a sec to recover, then..

11:14 pm, April 19, 2023

can you add mods to a pre existing server?

im hosting a modded server and want to know if i can add more stuff mid playthrough

11:14 pm, April 19, 2023

new player help

Ive tried a few games and cannot make it more than 10 minutes if that into a game before i've got a swarm following me. am i just supposed to tank through the swarms (5+) zombies or am i doing somethi..

11:14 pm, April 19, 2023

Should turn on Loot respawn setting?

I'm a newbie in project zomboid. Just played 15 hours in one game until die by infection on apocalypse difficulty, yay.When I was going to make a new world for a fresh start, I decide check custom san..

11:14 pm, April 19, 2023

Whats the worst thing you ever done?

What is the most evil thing you ever done to someone on a multiplayer/coop server?

11:14 pm, April 19, 2023

Mod Spotlight: KI5's Vehicles


11:14 pm, April 19, 2023

41.78 Released

41.78.16 Hotfix:https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/108600/view/364738315206785297841.78.15 Hotfix:https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/108600/view/361698360617353365941.78,13 Hotfix:https://st..

11:14 pm, April 19, 2023

Thursdoid Blog April 13th - Crafting RamblZ


11:14 pm, April 19, 2023

Any places stacked with guns/ammo near riverside?

I found some in the police department, as well as some ammo and small arms in residential houses. Are there any places near that are stacked with guns & armor?

6:14 am, February 12, 2022

Building a home (bugged sometimes?) how to fix?

i had a bit of confusion on the buildings, it might be a bug, specifically making room n such.it seems like the game acknowleged a new "boxed" area that i built from scratch as a "room&..

6:14 am, February 12, 2022

Faster Years Mod to Experience More Seasons

I understand that Zomboid is designed around your death and that gameplay is not meant to be yearly (or often gets boring bc it takes hundreds of hours to get through an entire year). However, I was c..

6:14 am, February 12, 2022

Why does Electricity feel underwhelming?

I'm still new to the game, but I've never felt the need to get electricity above level 3. Is it worth leveling? What am I missing?

6:14 am, February 12, 2022

When configuring server settings, does time refer to IRL hours or game hours?

This is mainly for the loot respawn. We currently have it set where if you are away from that area for one hour and that loot should respawn after 24 hours. The video store inside March Ridge doesn't ..

6:14 am, February 12, 2022

Animal Husbandry Help (Feeding Animals)

Greetings, all! Playing with Hydrocraft for the first time and came across a few animals: two cats and a rabbit. Knowing the game, they will need to be fed. I have no idea how to do this. I logged off..

6:14 am, February 12, 2022

do trees regrow?

Follow up question: Can you plant trees?

6:14 am, February 12, 2022

Strange, buggy blank space on the way to Louiseville on highway north of West Point

https://imgur.com/a/pDxhvpII don't know what is causing the problem, the only mod that alters maps I have is Eerie Town rn.

6:14 am, February 12, 2022

Shark;'s and Peach's Military uniform improvements bug?

The mod updated last night and now the rolled up versions of jackets appear comically larger, like a character from roblox

6:14 am, February 12, 2022


We need some Kentucky wildcat mods! Can not believe there aren't any!

6:14 am, February 5, 2022

Lamp issues

Sometimes my floodlights and lamps shut off for no reason and i'm not giving the option to turn them back on?Rotating the floodlights makes my character turn them back on sometimes, but lamps can't be..

6:14 am, February 5, 2022


It says, bloody clothes increases your stress level. How bloody? The clothes are 0/100 blood when clean. Does the stress trigger at 1/100, or 50/100?

6:14 am, February 5, 2022

Accidentally buttered my truck

So I've been running with a fire department truck that's gotten me around great for roughly two months now. I recently found a performance tire to replace one of the back wheels that were at 50% and a..

6:14 am, February 5, 2022

Can't sticth deep wounds?

I have everything in inventory suture needle threads even needle holder but when i right clicked on the deep wound cant see the stitch option. Anyone else having this? is this kinda bug glitch or some..

6:14 am, February 5, 2022

few Questions....

So at first I thought it was the games difficulty that bothers me, but no. It's way too much juggling thirst/hunger/depression ect ect to the point where your not really playing the game. by the time ..

6:14 am, February 5, 2022


Добрый день подскажите. Ситуация. Я создал Сервер играли прокачались. Теперь я не могу зайти,просто времени н..

6:14 am, February 5, 2022

Why Engine Repair so inefficient?

So I take apart engines that are like 30-60% and only get 2-3 parts. Then I go over to my vehicle and click repair but it only gets ONE PERCENT per engine part. I've stripped several engines now and t..

6:14 am, February 5, 2022

Any way to resize the UI?

In my case I play in a resolution of 1360x768 which is my monitor and I feel that the UI is a bit big, I would like to be able to reduce it a bit, maybe to x0.5 or x0.7.Is there any way to do it?

6:14 am, February 5, 2022

Thursdoid Blog February 3rd - 42 Techdoid


6:14 am, February 5, 2022

keep losing connection to host

My gf and I have been playing on a multiplayer server (she just hosts, not a dedicated), we've had no issues up until the last couple nights, where I'll lose connection to the host and get kicked to t..

6:14 am, January 29, 2022

CD players?

Do the CD players work, if so how? I have tons of CD's and a valueporta cd player, I can set it down, but dont see how to interect with it other than that?Also, are cd's for anything other than entert..

6:14 am, January 29, 2022

Early access

This game has been on sale for almost a full decade now, how the hell is it still in early access after having 60,000+ sales (roughly going from the overall reviews)?

6:14 am, January 29, 2022

Is There a Way to Disable the Surprised Sound?

I literally just got my character killed because of the noise. I was prepared for zombies behind the door and everything, but that noise ended up causing me to let go of my keyboard, then accidentally..

6:14 am, January 29, 2022

About how long for zombies to thin out?

So im pretty new to the game, ive set the mode to Survivor, then disabled respawns in custom sandbox. Im playing in Rosewood and its absolutely relentless. Zombies are immediately replaced with about ..

6:14 am, January 29, 2022

how to cure infection in project zomboid


6:14 am, January 29, 2022

Can't place this couch.

I could pick it up fine. Using the pick up command turned it into what looked like a bit of lumber. When I try to place it, my character walks over to where I want and then...nothing. I can move 1 squ..

6:14 am, January 29, 2022

Mod to make vehicles tougher?

Does anyone know of one? how to make them tougher? our cars are always broken down after 1 trip, just hitting a few zombies and the hood is already at zero

6:14 am, January 29, 2022

Mod Spotlight: Expanded Helicopter Events


6:14 am, January 29, 2022

wooden floors

I looking out of my second story window and cannot build anything. I used to be able to build of of a window and now I cannot? Is this common?

9:14 am, January 22, 2022

any way to make the map zoom on your location?

i always have trouble finding my little orange dot by pressing M

9:14 am, January 22, 2022

How do I put together a large oak bed?

1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 are on the ground next to me

9:14 am, January 22, 2022

How to use weighing scale?

Hello, I've read that it is (was) possible to get your character's nutritional stats from weighing scales - e.g. wiki page https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Nutrition says "Weight scales, such as in hospit..

9:14 am, January 22, 2022

Boss Monsters/Special Infected; Other World Events

I feel this game could benefit well from world events or monsters. Not constant respawning special infected like left 4 dead. My friends and I thought it would be interesting especially in our PVP ser..

9:14 am, January 22, 2022

The controls are awful

Game looked neat so I bought it. Played the tutorial and the controls are an instant turn off.

9:14 am, January 22, 2022

Potato Performance on Pro PC

32gb ddr4RTX 30903700x 4.4ghzEctAre there mods or patches to make newer pcs run better?

9:14 am, January 22, 2022

Can someone explain how trapping works regarding bait?

I get no prompt to add bait to my traps, but they obviously need bait

9:14 am, January 22, 2022

how to replace car windows?

skill require and which tools? i assume to take it from another first

9:14 am, January 22, 2022

Thursdoid Blog January 20th - Patch PlanZ


9:14 am, January 22, 2022

Help ! The game does not start / mon jeu ne démarre pas !

Hi ! I have a little problem with my game. When I press play, nothing happens. The " PLAY " green change changes to cancel, but if I click cancel, nothing. I did a search for corrupted file,..

6:14 pm, January 15, 2022

Skill Books

Hello Survivors.I understand that unlike watching tv, which gives you xp right there, reading a skillbook grants you a multiplier, when you actually use the skill. (As shown in effect by the flashing ..

6:14 pm, January 15, 2022

Ode to the Developers

I'm genuinely impressed that you; the entire team included in the making of PZ have stayed committed to the game and its vision throughout thick and thin, praise and much negative feedback as well.The..

6:14 pm, January 15, 2022

minced meat?

Anyone know what this can be used for? IRL I can make patties out of it, but I can't figure out how to do that in-game, and it's not usable in stir-fries or roasts.

6:14 pm, January 15, 2022

Looking for assistance with hosting with mod

I can join your discord or you join mine and show you that I am enabling mods in the "manage server" settings, both Workshop and Mods, and still the mods are not working in game. While in ga..

6:14 pm, January 15, 2022

Бесконечная загрузка при запуске сервера.

Пытаюсь создать сервер для игры с друзьями, настроил сервер, добавил некоторые моды - и появилась ошибка: Посл..

6:14 pm, January 15, 2022


why so lag i have good pc

6:14 pm, January 15, 2022

yet another game that thinks not telling you how to play makes it harder

it doesnt, its just lazy game design. fix the UI, its awful. Add tooltips or somthing so you know wtf your doing. Relying on 3rd party information to figure out the game is god awful game design.

6:14 pm, January 15, 2022

everytime i launch game with mods i get error 53

why is this? I checked and they should work

9:14 am, January 9, 2022

Как убрать кровь со всей карты?

Я знаю как убрать кровь с определённого участка, но есть какой-то код или настройка стирающая старую кровь по ..

9:14 am, January 9, 2022

The game it not launch.

I buy this game and it not launch the game, I click play and it don't have any happen.

9:14 am, January 9, 2022

How to not suck?

I'm not great at survival games, but this is brutal even by normal standards; I can't even leave the starting spawn house/trailer/whatever before I'm mobbed to death. How do I improve, how do I get be..

9:14 am, January 9, 2022

Potatoes are Roots

So, is there a way to Seed your own Potatoes or do you really need Potato Seeds for a root?

9:14 am, January 9, 2022

This game promotes smoking

Smoker trait is basically free trait points and I never see anyone who doesn't have it

9:14 am, January 9, 2022