Make the working Haunter House VISIBLE

I dont know if the HH placed near the tomb is working until I click on it.
Its not always clear when its working bc not all tombs are at the same lvl of surface.
So please if the HH is working/actibe - make it visible. Like its windows are shining blue or something, so the player didnt needed to check every single time (except when its on lvl 0 of surface and there is no hills around).
Thank you

Phasmata replied to Make the working Haunter House VISIBLE May 8, 2023 @ 11:14:41 am PDT
Phasmata replied to Make the working Haunter House VISIBLE May 8, 2023 @ 11:14:41 am PDT

The developer's last patch had some passive aggressive language about being done with the game. I wouldn't hold your breath for any changes. From what I've read, the dev is kind of a jerk regarding feature/balance suggestions.